To be on this planet before the Reverse can be a terrible suffering if you are a higher being. The hardware is too slow and loud. So many devices, cables and weak or unstable wi-fi. So many separate applications with so many passwords, no main digital identity and every single app has another UI and UX because of commercial reasons and branding. Horror. The emerging AI is already now seen by humans as something schizophrenically good and bad, as God and Evil in form of technology. This lesson will as I see never be learned by humans.
I do not see the future of technology on the planet Earth with Metaverse or Web3. 
Because I think that all this diving into the possibilities coming towards us with AI and XR worlds plus all the data is just a training for a new collective reality, a brand new design that will soon reach us on this planet. Humans forget that they are a part of the Nature, don’t they? Just a dust on a rock flying through space. As I am a polytheist, I believe that all that is is a design made by higher beings. And so is AI and all that XR stuff, in fact it is a digital copy of a stunning real World, at least real for the collective perception. The idea of Gods looking at themselves via human eyes through technology is entertaining as it is through religion or art.
As I am a post-humanistic futurist, I believe that all the technology explosion that we see now is a present, a kind of pre-training for the Reverse Cycle that will start just after the Apocalypse, the Last Judgement, Singularity or switch into the 5th dimension how some like to call it too. And to be trained already in pre-Reverse time of our Existence is a huge advantage for any being. Big Tech is aware of this advantage, but it won’t lead to their limitless growth of power and profit as this all here is a part of the rough Divine Nature.
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