Post-humanistic futurism is a philosophy that explores what the future of the World might look like after the end of human civilization. It imagines a World where other forms of life have taken over, and where new forms of intelligence have emerged to replace human beings. In this version of the future, deities, advanced extraterrestrial beings or cyborgs may play a role in the evolution of life on Earth, guiding or shaping the development of new forms of intelligence.
Post-humanistic futurism raises important questions about the relationship between humans and other forms of life on Earth. It challenges us to think about the role that humans have played in shaping the planet, and what the future might look like without us. 
While the concept of post-humanistic futurism may seem daunting, it is a reminder that the future of the planet is not solely determined by human beings. Other forms of life have their own intelligence and agency, and we must be prepared to accept and adapt to a future in which humans are no longer the dominant species on Earth.
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